Working a part-time job while attending college classes has its advantages: making money, getting work experience, and building up your resume. For many students, working part time is a necessity. This is also helpful to reduce costs of borrowing, but being able to cover some educational-related expenses through wages instead of student loans.
To find part-time work at Iowa State University, check out the on- and off-campus employment opportunities on the Student Job Board.
While part-time work can provide you with some much-needed cash, your college coursework should be your top priority. Remember that a college education will give you the best long-term payoff in terms of career opportunities and income, so honor your class commitments.
Look for part-time work with flexible schedules and short shifts to allow you plenty of study time; weekend shifts may be a good option for you, too. Be sure your part-time job fits into your class schedule, and remember to “save a portion of every paycheck”.
More information regarding the ins and outs of student employment can be found on the Student Employment Center’s website.